A Field Guide to American Communications Towers
The need for clear and reliable communications has driven technology for centuries. The longer the distance of communication, the smaller the world becomes. With cell phones, seamless network coverage and low power consumption are ideal for the ongoing rush to develop and eventually deploy new devices. Almost all of us carry a cell phone. Whether we use them as phones or not, a significant amount of infrastructure is needed to support them. The most well-known part of that infrastructure is the communication tower . But how much do you know about them? What are communication towers? Communication towers of all shapes and forms are all around us. Some towers provide multiple signals. They transmit one-way broadcasts, such as AM/FM radio and TV signals, while also handling two-way cellular communications using a variety of protocols. Most towers simply lift and support communications antennas, but there are also antennas called mast radiators that actually act as antennas the...